Animal therapy


Keeping a pet gives a lot of happiness to humans and according to researches animals have a beneficial effect on our health as well. Those who have pets tolerate stress better and are generally healthier than the ones who do not have pets.

The method of animal therapy was developed by B. Levinson, an American psychologist in the ‘60s. The psychologist was dealing with a behaviour of a confused little boy, he could not get him to speak after several months. On one occasion his dog was also there at the session and surprisingly the speechless boy started to talk to the dog. Later the psychologist involved specially trained dogs in the psychotherapeutic occupations.

In the last few years our country has also increased the interest in the therapeutic use of animals (psychotherapy). The study of animal and human relations was included in the research of psychologists focus. Since then, studies have shown that the involvement of animals in therapy helps patients with physical, mental and spiritual recovery. In everyday life a fact is also observed that the improvement of the company of animals to people’s mood and well-being. Research has shown that the ones who live together with animals have better health and a more balanced spiritual life than those who do not have pets. In today’s modern society there are more and more estranged, divorced, lonely man. In exchange of the care animals treat their owners with their love and unconditional attachment.





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